local train station cst

Mumbai Western Line Station List

The local train transport in Mumbai is divided into three sections: Western, Central, and Harbour lines. The western line is one of the most crowded sections as it serves the northern part of Mumbai which is densely populated. Moreover, the western line has popular railway stations known even by non-Mumbaikars. The famous film industry is located on the western line. In this post, I share the list of Mumbai western line train stations. 

There are a total of 28 railway stations in the Mumbai western line

Station NameStation CodeZoneLocation
ChurchgateCCGWestern RailwayChurchgate
Marine LinesMELWestern RailwayMarine Lines
Charni RoadCYRWestern RailwayCharni Road
Grant RoadGTRWestern RailwayGrant Road
Mumbai CentralMMCTWestern RailwayMumbai Central
MahalaxmiMXWestern RailwayMahalaxmi
Lower ParelPLWestern RailwayLower Parel
Elphinstone RoadEPRWestern RailwayElphinstone Road
DadarDDRWestern RailwayDadar
Matunga RoadMMRWestern RailwayMatunga Road
Mahim JunctionMMWestern RailwayMahim
BandraBWestern RailwayBandra
Khar RoadKHARWestern RailwayKhar Road
SantacruzSTCWestern RailwaySantacruz
Vile ParleVLPWestern RailwayVile Parle
AndheriADHWestern RailwayAndheri
JogeshwariJOSWestern RailwayJogeshwari
GoregaonGMNWestern RailwayGoregaon
MaladMDDWestern RailwayMalad
KandivaliKILEWestern RailwayKandivali
BorivaliBVIWestern RailwayBorivali
DahisarDICWestern RailwayDahisar
Mira RoadMIRAWestern RailwayMira Road
BhayandarBYRWestern RailwayBhayandar
NaigaonNIGWestern RailwayNaigaon
Vasai RoadBSRWestern RailwayVasai Road
NallasoparaNSPWestern RailwayNallasopara
VirarVRWestern RailwayVirar

List of Mumbai Western Line stations with their distance from Churchgate station

Station NameDistance from Churchgate Station (in km)
Marine Lines1
Charni Road2
Grant Road3
Mumbai Central4
Lower Parel7
Elphinstone Road8
Matunga Road10
Mahim Junction11
Khar Road14
Vile Parle16
Mira Road36
Vasai Road47
Station NameStation CodeZoneLocation
VaitarnaVTNWestern RailwayPalghar, Maharashtra
SaphaleSAHWestern RailwayPalghar, Maharashtra
Kelve RoadKLVWestern RailwayPalghar, Maharashtra
PalgharPLGWestern RailwayPalghar, Maharashtra
UmroliUOIWestern RailwayPalghar, Maharashtra
BoisarBORWestern RailwayPalghar, Maharashtra
VangaonVGNWestern RailwayPalghar, Maharashtra
Dahanu RoadDRDWestern RailwayDahanu, Maharashtra

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

How long is the western line in kilometers?

It is 123.78 km (76.91 mi) long. 

Which is the most expensive place on the western line?

Churchgate, Dadar, Bandra, and Lower Parel have high real estate prices. But you can eat out here for cheap. Hotel prices are also quite high in the aforementioned areas. 

Which is the most affordable place to buy a home on the western line?

Nalasopara is considered the most affordable place to live on the western line. Moreover, places like Palghar and Dahanu have cheap real estate, but these places are quite far from mainline Mumbai.

How much does it cost to go from one end to the other end of the western line?

A second-class ticket from Churchgate to Dahanu will cost ₹ 35, the same for the first class will cost ₹ 145, and AC local will cost ₹ 165.

Are there AC local trains on the western line?

Yes, there are a total of 79 AC local trains that operate between Churchgate and Virar. AC trains don’t go beyond Virar (towards Dahanu road).

Is the western line safe for women passengers?

The western line is considered safe for women passengers, but since it is heavily crowded there are instances of harassment periodically. The platforms are generally safe. Women are always advised to board the special women’s coach instead of the general one. 

Is there an EMU car shed on the western line?

Yes, there are two EMU car sheds on the western line, one at Mumbai Central and the other at Kandivali.

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